Weekly Reading Report

Forgive me for missing last week. I was so bust reading and taking notes that I forgot to actually report on my literary activity. On a vaguely literary front, I went to see the Whit Stillman movie Love and Friendship (based on Jane Austen's novella Lady Susan) and it was superb. One of the best movies I have seen in a long time. I am planning on going a second time, and I recommend you rush out and see it now.
Now as for books:

I just finished Debbie Malone's Awaken Your Psychic Ability.  I have worked with Debbie a few times over the years, and she is one of the sweetest and kindest beings on the planet. This book was fantastic, very practical and filled with information, meditations and tidbits about the angels. I actually plan on reviewing it properly elsewhere, so keep your eyes out for that. In the meantime, if you have ever had an unusual encounter or seen something before it happened, grab a copy of this book.

I have picked up again Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down the Bones. I have just started teaching a creative writing course at Sydney WEA, and they are a beautiful little group of people. Natalie's words and her methods always inspire me, and I probably read through this wonderful collection of essays and reflections on writing a couple of times a year.

Have finally finished Doreen Virtue's The Courage to be Creative, and was constantly thrilled by it. This book is all things to all creatives, and I absolutely destroyed it by turning over corners, marking passages and filling the book with notes. Loved it from beginning to end, and it has energised me tremendously. I would recommend it to all writers, but I know that many writers are terribly cynical and would never allow themselves to be so excited by Doreen's eccentric vision of creativity. She does, after all, discuss the creative power of unicorns.

I loved The Courage to be Creative so much that I picked up another Doreen Virtue book: The Miracles of Archangel Michael. Actually, I have had this one since the beginning of the year, but it has languished on my "Must Read" pile till now. A very dear friend and advisor (alright, it's the divine Maggie Hamilton) told me that I should turn to Archangel Michael in facing a personal and professional block I faced. I am still facing that block (many of you know what it is) but maybe reading this book will be just what I need to shake my anxieties free.


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