Writing Your Prayers
Sit quietly for a minute and think of a person or situation your think might need your prayers and your spiritual support.
Perhaps you have a few, your head is filled with people - it doesn't matter, just write them down as they come to you.
Now, write down what you would normally think or say if you were praying or sending them good wishes.
Write your hopes for them down simply and honestly – no-one is marking or checking it.
Put down on paper the prayer you might otherwise be carrying in your head.
I write these down as they come to me – I start a fresh page in my journal and record one or two lines, whatever I feel is needed. And each morning and evening I go to these pages and send my love to these people and wish them the best. It is a simple, private, routine.
But it is profound – and I know it makes a difference.
Start keeping a spiritual diary and use it to get systematic about your spiritual study.
I know you are all behind in your spiritual reading. I certainly am - it's going to take me a couple of hundred years to catch up on it all.
This year I hope you set yourself some ambitious goals around reading – and your spiritual journal is where you can record this. By writing these goals down you are recording and creating a self-guided course in spiritual development.
Keep a list of books you want to read on your spiritual journey, and keep a list of those you have read. Do always remember to date them.
This seemingly mundane ritual is one that can have an enormous impact, and it is a great gift to yourself later on. You can reflect on how you grew through reading.
And it goes without saying that you should keep notes as you read, jotting down meaningful passages in your journal.