Vietnam: 4 Cities - my new course at WEA Sydney, starting August

I am very excited to announce that in August I will be leading my first ever course at Sydney's WEA adult education centre.

If you are planning a trip to Vietnam or simply wanted to learn more about this most fascinating country then my course Vietnam: 4 Cities is perfect for you.

 Vietnam's fascinating history and culture has unfolded along its uniquely long and thin geography. In this course Walter Mason, author of Destination Saigon, takes us from the border of China right down to the Mekong Delta, and we explore Buddhist sects, royal intrigue, Marian visions and the historical clash of cultures through the lens of Vietnam's four great cities: Hanoi, Hue, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho.

Course Code:   43HM027
Price:     $122.00 (Concession $110.00)
Sessions:     4
Time:     12:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Start:     Tues from 05/08/2014
Finish:     26/08/2014

    Taking enrolments now!

Book early to avoid disappointment

Course Outline

Restaurant on street corner, Hanoi

•   Week 1:  HanoiConfucius, colonialism and literature

Temple entrance, Hue

•    Week 2: Hue – Cham Kingdom, Tale of Kieu and royal dynasties

Renovation, Dai Giac Temple, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City

•    Week 3: Ho Chi Minh City – Old Saigon, the Quiet American and war
•    Week 4: Can Tho – Delta cultures, Khmer influences and Buddhist sects

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