Ann Bollinger-McQuade on Oracles, Responses, Reception and Otherworldly Voices
"All personal oracle messages translate through a form and frequency that resonates easily with the receiver."
Ann Bollinger-McQuade is a healer, seer, mystic and cloud-reader whose capacity to read the natural world for signs and oracles is unequalled. You can see the book trailer for her wonderful book Everyday Oracles here:
She tells us in this book about all of the remarkable ways we can receive oracles and signs, answers to some of the pressing questions we have about life, love and loss. And it's not just in the natural world that we find our answers. Oracles can come in the form of other humans, and even in the printed word. Ann writes:
"The guidance and problem-solving mystery of personal oracles lies hidden in books and all kinds of printed material. It could be a religious tome like the Bible, a book of poetry, or your favourite novel, history book, biography, or even the dictionary."
She recommends that when you are looking for answers you just have to pick up the book that is important to you and open it up randomly and see what the passage you discover has to tell you. This is a tradition that has been used for centuries with the Bible, and it is called Bibliomancy. I have also heard of people doing this with A Course in Miracles and other inspirational books. A form of this exists in Cambodia, where people select one of a dozen or so bamboo cards inscribed with a passage from the Buddhist sutras. This passage is the interpreted by an onsite specialist who tells you how it is answering your question. I also recently read in Simon Garfield's excellent book To The Letter that the ancient Romans would do this with editions of Seneca's Letters.
Ann Bolinger-McQuade has witnessed miracles of messages delivered from the Universe over and over again, and the book is filled with examples, both her own and those of friends and relatives. She also cites the miracle stories and explanations of prominent writers such as C.S. Lewis, Jamie Sams, Rupert Sheldrake and Gregg Braden. Key to opening ourselves up to the presence of oracles, she says, is learning to quiet and compose the mind through prayer, meditation and contemplation:
"When we learn to tame our monkey mind chatter, the wisdom of our right hemisphere can slip right past the disruptive chatter and sync with the left brain to validate the wisdom of our intuition."
Author Ann Bollinger-McQuade |
To learn more about the fascinating Ann Bolinger-McQuade, check out her website here. You can follow her on twitter @AnnCloudSpeak and read her blog on the Huffington Post about famous people who have seen oracles. You can also read an excerpt from her book Everyday Oracles, which has so inspired me, here.