A Resource List for self-promoting writers

Here it is! The definitive list of books, websites and podcasts for self-promoting writers and publishers.
Actually, this list is helpful for writers of every description.


Platform by Michael Hyatt - The basic essentials of how (and why) to build a platform. This needs to be read by every writer. 

Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk - Why you should be using Youtube and why now is the best time ever to be an author.

From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur by Stephanie Chandler  - Written by a woman who walks her talk, this is the book that explains how to take the knowledge and status gained as an author and apply it to other money-making possibilities. This book made me feel incredibly excited about my future.

The Icarus Deception by Seth Godin - The master's latest book, this one tells us we're all creating art and instead of just talking about it we need to get it out the door for other people to see.

Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi - This book made me realise how essential and effective networking is. Especially for authors! 

Guerrilla Networking by Jay Conrad Levinson and Monroe Mann - Really effective techniques for building strategic relationships and filling your life with inspiring, influential and fascinating people.

The Frugal Book Promoter by Carolyn Howard-Johnson - Excellent all-round advice that is simple and achievable for everyone. If you worked your way through  this and did even half of what she details you would find your writing career expanding. 


Some of these may also be available as printed books, it's just that I have read them and used them as ebooks.

Show Your Work by Austin Kleon

The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth by Chris Brogan

31 Days to Finding Your Blogging Mojo by Brian Allain

Blog It by Molly Greene

500 Social Media Marketing Tips by Andrew Macarthey

Blogging the Smart Way by Jeff Bullas

and some others...

The Tao of Twitter by Mark W. Shaefer

Ninja Book Marketing Strategies by Tom Corson-Knowles

Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield

Secrets of the Six Figure Author by by Tom Corson-Knowles

How to Market a Book by Joanna Penn

The Art of Being Unmistakable by Srinivas Rao

APE by Guy Kawasaki

How I wrote 2 Ebooks in 21 Days by Glen Stanford

How to Write a Nonfiction Ebook in 21 Days That Readers Love by Steve Scott


Joe Konrath's blog is as simple as they come,  but it works

The Creative Penn

Jeff Goins Writer 


A Newbie's Guide to Publishing

Jane Friedman 

Publish Your Own Ebooks 

Jeff Bullas 



Srini Rao from Unmistakable Creative

The Creative Penn 

Beyond the Book

Unmistakable Creative

Pushing Social

Six Pixels of Separation

The Author Hangout

Blogging Your Passion

Social Pros

Content Warfare Podcast

The Accidental Creative

Social Media Marketing

This is Your Life by Michael Hyatt 

Extra Links:

Another Top 10 List of great blogs for authors

Srinivas Rao on being flexible with your dreams


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