New Books August 2013 - Fiction

For someone who doesn't read much fiction I have certainly gathered together quite a collection over the past few months. Looks like lots of lovely escapist reading :-)
From the top:

Various novels by Barbara Pym - I heard a show on the BBC about Barbara Pym's centenary, and I decided it was time I read her. She sounds very 'me'. I am always being told that Nancy Mitford fans will love Barbara Pym, so I am going to test that.

Various novels by James Runcie - On that same podcast about Barbara Pym they interviewed James Runcie, a huge Pym fan. He was so entertaining, and the description of his own novels was so intriguing, that I decided I had to read him as well.  

Radio Days by Sumner Locke Elliott - I did my honours thesis on Sumner Locke Elliott, and this is the only book of his I couldn't find to read. It has always been extremely rare, so I was surprised to see a copy just sitting on the shelves at Berkelouw's on Norton Street. I love Elliott, and am looking forward to reading this curiosity. It was edited by his biographer - and my friend - Sharon Clarke, so that makes it doubly interesting.

The Complete Illustrated Lewis Carroll - I am always being led to read Carroll, but have never had him in the house. Until now.

Down There on a Visit by Christopher Isherwood

Nor the Years Condemn by Justin Sheedy - Justin Sheedy is a dynamic Australian writer, and has been my mate for 24 years.

Forever Rumpole by John Mortimer - I adore Mortimer and I adore Rumpole.

Me Cheeta  - I have wanted to read this for ages, but it takes me a while to act on my desires. Sounds terribly camp, and that's a good thing.

The Gospel According to Luke by Emily Maguire - Emily is a friend of mine and a writer I admire very much. I am slowly catching up on all her titles.

Anthem by Ayn Rand - Don't hate on me. Who could resist an Ayn Rand graphic novel? Bet you couldn't.

Aleph by Paulo Coelho - I have never been able to make it all the way through a Paulo Coelho novel. Wish me luck.

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy - Because I never have. But don't hold your breath for a report on this one.

Baron Corvo

Hubert's Arthur by Baron Corvo - A rare piece of Corvine literature which, until now, I have never been able to find at a decent price. I snapped this one up.

Lord Berners

Far From the Madding War and Count Omega by Lord Berners - Two more rarities by the divine Berners, Nancy Mitford's best friend, composer and really quite fabulous writer.

City of Night by John Rechy - I read this over and over when I was seventeen - I literally couldn't believe it. Famously raunchy, it was a revelation to my little Queer mind, and I remember it blew the minds of everyone I passed it to. I haven't read this since I was about 18, and I have decided to become a Rechy expert (quite a good niche, don't you think?) and this is where I will start.


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