A new single from Boy George

My lifelong passion for Boy George is no secret.

So I am always tremendously excited when he releases any new material, and have been completely loyal to him over the years.
In his mellow middle age, Boy George's always-exquisite voice has developed some depth and timbre that speak of a life well lived, adding an incredible richness to his vocals. The idiosyncratic singles he has released over the last couple of years have been consistently good, working as he has been with some of the best producers around. I would urge you to check out recent past releases Happy, Somebody to Love Me and Amazing Grace, along with his incredible cover of Lana Del Rey's Video Games.
But with his new song, Coming Home, he has really reached new heights. A dreamy, dancy track with a polymorphously perverse video clip, I have been addicted since the very first listen.
Bet you will be too.


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