Ready to unlock your creativity?

A confession: I have never made it all the way through The Artist's Way.

I absolutely adore the first four chapters, but it is always around then that my enthusiasm begins to flounder and I put it aside, thinking I'll get back to it later. And then a year goes by and I have to start all over again. Multiply this cycle by about ten.
It has always been my fantasy to study the book with a group, and to use the positive peer pressure to keep on going and to find out exactly where the process might take me.
If you don't know what The Artist's Way is, it is perhaps the most seminal self-help guide to creativity ever written. Since it was first released in the 1990s, artists, writers, composers and performers all over the world have held it up as the most formative influence in  their creative lives. I can name a half dozen successful creative people who got through a difficult patch in their lives through applying the program laid out in this book.
Two elements of The Artist's Way program have become so well-known that the concept of them has transcended the book and moved into the general popular discourse. These are the ideas of the morning pages - sitting down first thing each morning and free-writing three pages in your journal without censorship; and the artist's date - taking yourself somewhere once a week all on your own in order to inspire your curiosity and creative expression.

But there is so much more wisdom in the book, and my friend Rosamund Burton is offering a 12 week Artist's Way course with Phoenix Rising Books in Glebe in order to open it up.

Such courses are rarely offered in Sydney, so you really should  take this opportunity to spoil yourself and enrol. It sounds like tremendous fun, and it should offer some genuinely transformative moments.

 The Artist’s Way
Unlock Your Creativity in 12 Weeks
Phoenix Rising Books | 31A Glebe Point Road |
Glebe NSW 2037
Mon 10 Feb to Mon 5 May 2014, 6–8pm
$290.00 | Earlybird rate up to 10 Jan $260.00
To book or for more information:
Email service[at sign]
or phone 02 9566 2157
Participants need to have their own copy of The Artist’s Way by JuliaCameron. The course is limited to 12 people.

Course leader: Rosamund Burton is an author and freelance journalist who has also worked as an actress. Her own path has been inspired by The Artist’s Way, which she credits for helping her to move through many creative blocks and pursue her passion to write. For more information go to

The Artist’s Way course, based on Julia Cameron’s book of the same name, takes you on a powerful personal journey to help you move beyond your creative blocks. Tackle procrastination, self-doubt and your
inner critic, as well as beliefs about lack of time and worries about money. Using practical tools, including the daily writing of ‘morning pages’ and a weekly ‘artist’s date’, discover your path to greater creativity and allow it to blossom.
Creativity is innate in every one of us. Packed with insights and inspiration this course offers the opportunity to discover how to effectively express and channel your creativity. At times it may be challenging, but it also has the potential to deeply transform you.


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