Newly Discovered William Blake Painting

I have my friends at the Swedenborg Association of Australia to thank for alerting me to this extraordinary piece of news.

I am a huge fan of William Blake's poetry and art, but he is one of the most studid and collected artists ever, so it would seem impossible that at this late stage a previously unknown work should be discovered. But it has been, amongst the property of an old Swedenborgian family.

William Blake was fascinated by the writings of Swedish mystic Emanuel Swedenborg and was a longtime member of the Swedenborgian New Church established in London. Many of his artworks represent engagements with Swedenborgian ideas. Because of this connection, Blake is a kind of honorary artist of the Swedenborgian movement, so it is no surprise that Swedenborgians should possess rare works of his.

This new watercolour, a particularly beautiful piece called Parental Affection, is immensely valuable and has been resting quietly in the Tulk family collection for almost 200 years.

For more about William Blake and his spiritual life see here

For more about Emanuel Swedenborg see here

To sign up for the Swedenborg Association of Australia's enewsletter see here


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