Cambodia - An Overview
I have been attempting to assemble lists of interesting stuff about Cambodia, principally for my own sake (I am currently writing a book about that amazing country), but also for the many people out there interested in Cambodia who don't have the time to trawl the blogs. I need to be doing it more regularly, I know, as I quickly fall behind. Apologies if any of this seems old news, but I reckon it's still fascinating:
- I've been following with interest the career of activist Buddhist monk Loun Savath
- Khmer 440 provides a list of Phnom Penh pet peeves
- The exquisite Hotel de la Paix in Siem Reap has an exhibition by noted Khmer artist Tevy - do catch it if you can, and have dinner at the hotel's exquisite restaurant if you feel like spoiling yourself!
- Prince Sisowath is called in to stand in for the King one day, and the Phnom Penh post covers this fascinating event
- The 'First Lady' of the Khmer Rouge has dementia, and there is some soul-searching over what it means to put her on trial - at Daily Mail Online