Teaser Tuesday

So, here’s the idea: Every Tuesday you:

Grab your current read

Let the book fall open to a random page

Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.

You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!


*** Do NOT post anything that could spoil the plot of the book!!! ***

If your sentences that fall between lines 7 and 12 on the page you turn to give too much away, choose a different page, or a different spot on the page… we don’t want to ruin any surprises for anyone!

Every Tuesday, on the “TEASER TUESDAYS” posts, leave a link to your blog post where you’ve shared your “Teaser“. If you don’t have a blog, share the teaser in a comment on that week’s “Teaser” post. :D

This week's Teaser:

"There are many people who pride themselves on their honest speech and claim to say what is on their mind. But it is surprising how often this approach is just a channel or vent for their negativities - the anger, the ill-will, and the jealousy in their minds."
~ From "Into the Heart of Life" by Tenzin Palmo, p. 88


anita said…
And he was on fire. He wore a tiger-skin loincloth and a necklace of severed heads.

'Married to Bhutan' Linda Leaming (p49)
Karin said…
'I could see the word LEAK spill out of his brain one letter at a time. I knew he'd been warned not to have anything to do with the press on this case.'

(page 143, 'Killed at the whim of a hat', by Colin Cotterill - if you enjoy mystery stories set in Southeast Asia, Colin Cotterill's books are well worth a look!)

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