Monday Blogcrawl
I have been reading lots of good advice lately (one of the benefits of Twitter) and have all kinds of ideas about making my life more successful, more organised and more financially rewarding. Trouble is, I find it so hard to act on any of it. I am up to the eyeballs in excellent ideas. And then I just let 'em sit there, grab a popsicle and watch me some reality TV. Ah, I am a flawed soul....
Here are some interesting little diversions:

Here are some interesting little diversions:

- Korean Buddhism has gone global.
- Kathryn Schulz tells us how peer pressure is in vogue again, and how she doesn't like it.
- The Zoomorphic collection is too fabulous for words, and Cool Hunting has a great video of some fantastic Victorian taxidermy pieces.
- So cruel and so true - the Facebook version of ourselves on Failbook.
- Dale Peck doesn't want his books on Amazon.
- Problogger advises us on becoming a friend to our readers.
- "Stage Performer" is a fast dying profession, and The Smart Set has a great article on its decline.