Monday Blogcrawl

(Photograph of Queen Elizabeth II via Confessions of a Ci-Devant)
Well, I will confess that I have been neglecting my blog somewhat lately - many apologies to all of my faithful readers. I've been writing like crazy, and have accepted a number of different offers that have made my schedule crazy. But busy is happy, right? It certainly is in my case. And today there is beautiful, blissful rain, affording me an excuse to stay at home and work, work, work. Still, in the back of my head is the lingering worry about getting my Chinese visa - how long does it take to get a Chinese visa? While I'm worrying, you can start reading:
- There's a new portrait of the Queen! And I've got just the right spot on my wall...
- Writer Unboxed features a fantastic guest blog post from Joanna Penn, one of the very best author bloggers/podcasters.
- I am fanatical about keeping things separated in my luggage. Must Have Cute has given me major accessory envy with these adorable underwear bags.
- As someone who is regularly torn between a great desire for solitude and a compulsion to be social, I found this article on the benefits of loneliness fascinating - from The Boston Globe.
- Looks like I'm not the only one! Seems the whole world is becoming phone-phobic.
- Problogger sets out the benfits of finding a blogging niche (if only I could follow his excellent advice!).
- I've been a fan of James Gleick for many years, and loved this review in the New York Times about his new book The Information. I will have to get this one.
- Watteau is just about my favourite artist, and I ache to be in London to see this exhibition of his drawings at the Royal Academy, reviewed by Charles Darwent in The Independent.