Monday Blogcrawl

You know how sometimes you feel that your life is out of control? Well I feel like that right now. I am wandering around with a low-level anxiety that prevents me from being truly productive. I think it's age. I just can't seem to do things as quickly as I used to. Or maybe it's just the heat? Here are some interesting tidbits:
- A nice piece on William Dalrymple. I've always admired his work, and in Australia he is published with my own publishing house, Allen & Unwin. Oh, and I had the great privilege of sharing a place with him on Sydney Morning Herald's Top 10 Travelogues of 2010 list!
- Snooki regrets hooking up with Vinny. I live for this stuff.
- Francis De Sales is Patron Saint of Writers, apparently.
- Can we please end all discusion of "The End of Criticism" - I'm bored, already!
- Anyone who has been to Thailand will recognise Ajahn Maha Boowa's face. He just passed away, bless him.