Monday Blogcrawl
Had the most wonderful day yesterday speaking at the Writers' Tent at the Newtown Festival, "In Conversation" with my publisher (and a brilliant writer in her own right) Maggie Hamilton. Though we battled the bands playing directly behind us, I think we managed to put in a solid performance, and as always, I met some really lovely people. Heavens it was hot, though! I think I've mentioned before that I'm not very good at staying in touch with friends. Is this a peculiarly male disease, or is it a problem for everyone in a disconnected age? It doesn't help that I'm extremely phone-phobic - I just hate talking on the phone - it sends me into shivers of dread and worry. Weird, huh? So here's what I did this week instead of catching up with calls:
- I've been reading a lot about the death of blogging recently. It seems like the next big thing now that everyone's tired of hearing about the death of email. Here is Warren Ellis' quite fascinating take.
- Alix Christie writes about the tragedy of too many novelists and what keeps them going in the face of insurmountable odds.
- I've always wanted to write a Bucket List. Over at Fuel Your Writing Sarah Van Den Bosch talks about how writers can use the idea to more clearly envision their future careers.
- I came to the realisation this week (not for the first time) that everything good that has ever happened in my life has been a result of my giving to and helping others. It's proved constantly true on my own jopurney, and here's a nice little piece on how bloggers can give and help.
- Angry Asian Man features my gorgeous friend May-lee Chai. I am almost through May-lee's brilliant novel for young people Dragon Chica, and it's a fabulous read. This woman has talent!