Monday Blogcrawl

Feeling overwhelmed? You're not the only one. I've been spending much time plotting my future, trying to work out how to pay for all the things I want to do, etc. etc. To distract me, I read blogs. Here's what just managed to keep me happy this week:
- The constant discussion on whether or not books will disappear continues.
- The Book Case has alerted me to the fact that Annie Proulx is releasing a memoir next year. Be still my beating heart!
- Deep frying sweet junk food has been an abiding interest of mine. Chocolatesuze conducts an experiment in frying.
- Jodi Picoult has had enough of not being reviewed!
- A Girl in Asia discovers a lovely new cafe in Saigon.
Thanks so much for the blog love! Hope you enjoyed my post on the Jodi Picoult/Jennifer Weiner feud with the NY Times.