New Books
Surprise, surprise, I bought some new books this week.
January is the first in an exciting year-long series of thrillers for kids called Conspiracy 365, written by my old pal Gabrielle Lord - I'm a little bit behind, so I'll have to get this one read quickly and then start in on February. You see, every month this year a new one will be released, and a thrilling story will unfold. I think it's a terrific concept, and I hope it does well for her - she's one of the greatest ladies in Australian books, and I think she's an absolute legend (can you tell that I'm a fan, much?).
Rare Bird of Truth has, of course, been recently blogged by me. Written by my friend Neal Drinnan, it's a sexy and decadent novel that I can't wait to sink my teeth into.
I've already started in on Bright-Sided, because it's part of my PhD research. This book has had a lot of publicity, and it is a fascinating exploration (and critique) of the culture of positive thinking in America. Of course, I have a lot of problems with it, but I still find it completely absorbing. I know whose side I'd rather be on, though :-)
Kink looks like fun - a local book released by my own erstwhile publisher, it is an expose of suburban swinging! What a hoot!
And then for something completely different, a gorgeous hardcover remainder I ordered in from the US. Enduring Lives provides pen portraits of some of my favourite women - though I'm especially interested in the chapter on Sister Helen Prejean.
Anyway, no time to blog right now - I have some reading to catch up on.