Christchurch St. Laurence
Sometimes (rarely) I go to meditation at Christchurch St. Laurence in Chinatown on a Monday night. Now Christchurch is a beautiful place - some say the only true High Anglican Church in Sydney. It has been the spiritual home to generations of gay Sydney men, and is frequently filled with artists and intellectuals and the very cream of Sydney cultural life. Services there are wonderful - exquisite music, everyone frocked up, clouds of incense and more bowing and genuflecting than is healthy. I have many dear friends there, though my inherent paganism means I can never feel thoroughly comfortable in an Anglican milieu, aware as I am of the great tradition and richness of Anglo-Catholicism.
Oh, and you'll notice the red door - I just found out on the weekend that all Anglican churches should have a red door, in order to indicate welcome and the presence of the Holy Spirit - kind of nice symbolism, don't you think?